Online Advertising

Digital marketing that connects with people who are actively looking for your products or services

Today more than 80% of people conduct research online before making a major purchase or life decision.

A buyer’s journey is often described as a buyer’s decision-making funnel and typically includes: Awareness: The person becomes aware of a need or desire and embarks on the buyer’s decision-making journey. They may have some background awareness about the product or service and some of the brands in the market. Research: The person gathers information from family and friends, mass media advertising and publicity, social media, online reviews and general online research which may lead to landing pages with relevant content. Consideration: The person evaluates options and compiles a shortlist. Decision: The person makes a decision to buy. Advocacy: Depending on customer experience, the person becomes a promoter or saboteur via online reviews and social media.

Search engine optimisation and marketing: Search campaign development Organic search engine optimisation (SEO) Paid search (pay per click – PPC) Google Ads management Conversion rate optimisation Analytics
Online advertising: Network channel planning Social channel planning Ad campaign development Conversion rate optimisation Analytics
Social media marketing: Social activity management Posting and user engagement Paid campaign management Conversion rate optimisation Analytics
Database e-DM marketing: Customer list management Target market recruitment EDM campaigns Conversion rate optimisation Analytics